Welcome to The Orthodox Mama’s Corner!
TheOrthodoxMamascorner.com is a place for the homeschooling and homemaking, Orthodox Christian Mama.
My goal is to help moms who are new to homeschooling or homemaking and moms who are looking for ways to incorporate their Orthodox Faith into their homeschooling and parenting.
Here you will find tips and tricks, as well as in-depth ‘How Tos’. You will also find some FREE Printables and resources to help you along your journey.
Hi, I’m Shannon Rae
Mama. Homeschooler. Homemaker. Orthodox Christian Convert.
I’ve always had a passion for finding the most efficient ways to accomplish difficult tasks as well as the mundane ones. I want to share what I’ve learned. So as a creative outlet, I turned it into TheOrthodoxMamasCorner.com.
I used to be an atheist, public school mom who worked full time. Then, my husband and I realized something was missing.
We started homeschooling, I quit my job, and we are now baptized in the Orthodox Church. Glory to God!
Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or if you would like to collaborate!

4 Fun Tidbits About Me
I practically live on coffee! I know, it’s bad. One day I plan to cut back, but there’s something about the taste of a hot beverage with cream that makes me ready to get to work.
Despite my red hair, I’m more Italian than Irish. For some reason, that red hair just keeps persisting down the family line.
I enjoy drawing and art. I took a drawing class every year in high school but unfortunately I’ve been slacking since having children. I plan on finding time to start back up soon!
My all-time favorite TV show has to be Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I even have a quote tattooed on my arm. Kudos to you if you can guess the quote. 😉
The Lord’s Prayer Printable
Get your FREE ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ Printable in English and Greek. I personally printed this and framed it for my daughter’s bedroom. You can also print it for your child’s homeschool binder if you like.
Join My Facebook Group!
Connect with other Mamas and get tips for homemaking and homeschooling as Orthodox Christians! We would love to have you add to the conversation. Join the Orthodox Homemaking and Homeschooling Corner.